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Workshops open to members and non-members
Workshops cater for adult painters only

Please use the desktop or tablet site to book - NOT the mobile site 

Pushing the Boundaries with Watercolour

with Tony White


Saturday 1st March (1 Day)​


Saturday 22 March (1 Day)

Cost per workshop:

$42 Members 

$52 Non members


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This workshop is for Intermediate level and above.

Are you ready to up your game and build your confidence with your watercolours? This workshop is for you!
No matter what subject matter that you personally prefer to paint, I will take you through some fantastic pieces and help to dispel some watercolour myths and give you the confidence you need to overcome any self-doubt that may creep in.
By the end of this workshop, you will no longer look at a subject and feel daunted or scared of it. You will know HOW to tackle it with your own vision.


Colour Basics for Oil and Acrylics

with Fiona Verdouw


Saturday 15 March



Cost: $42 Members   

          $52 Non members



Spend a day marinading in colour as we explore how to see and create believable colours that will bring your art to life. 

‘Get to grips with Colour’  will help grow your confidence in recognising, mixing and using colours within your paintings. 

This workshop provides useful and enjoyable painting exercises which complement introductory colour theory and moves beyond simply painting colour wheels!

Get to grips with tonal values, colour temperature and saturation, combining colours and how to achieve the colours you want without having to buy every tube in the art store!

This workshop is suitable for oil and acrylic painters at any stage of their painting journey. 


with Leanne Halls


Saturday 5 April -

Sunday 6 April (TWO days)​




$130 Members   

$150 Non members


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Have you ever wanted to capture mood and atmosphere in your watercolours? Or be able to capture the feeling of your subjects in a painterly way?
In this two day workshop you will learn all about painting wet into wet, alla prima painting techniques, different techniques and to try different watercolour approaches. The aim of this workshop is not to get you to paint like me but to learn to have fun with the watercolour medium.

We will paint landscapes on day one and move into flowers and other subjects on day two.


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